Allen and Briony, self-described rabbit show and rabbit history geeks, have long been contemplating a way to capture and share stories, lessons and inspiration with fellow hobbyists and the world at large. As Covid-19 shut down shows, fairs and much of this community’s ability to get together, they realized that a podcast could help. Both began as youth exhibitors and competitors, and went on to became ARBA judges and leaders in the rabbit and cavy industry. Their intent is to showcase guests and topics that will educate, entertain and inspire.

Monday Feb 21, 2022
#33 ”Shake and Show,” with Linda Hibbert
Monday Feb 21, 2022
Monday Feb 21, 2022
Mentorship is a defining feature of the fancy. 2019 ARBA Convention Best in Show winner Linda Hibbert talks about her journey from mentee to mentor as she and a special broken American Fuzzy Lop doe danced to the ultimate award. Shortly after this show, Linda and her fellow breeders in Colorado faced lengthy shutdowns due to Covid and RHD. Always one to embrace a challenge, Linda persevered and along with a new club, inspired others to do the same. Also in this episode: a history of ARBA Cavy BIS winners and research on social behavior in wild rabbits.